Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life of Pi: Final Blog

   The last section of Life of Pi was certainly the most thought-provoking and emotional portion of the book. Pi's struggle with survival is deeper than I had previously imagined; he encounters not only physical but also mental obstacles, which he overcomes with fierce spirituality and storytelling. The theme of the novel becomes inreasingly prevalent as it progresses, as does Pi's character.
    I like to think that the central idea of Life of Pi and perhaps of life itself is that man seeks God, both consciously and subconsciously, in every aspect of his life. Religion is a manifestation of the human desire to make sense of his surroundings and love his Creator. As Pi continues his journey of survival on the Pacific, his dependence upon God and the notion of divine love becomes integral to his mental endurance. Pi cries out to God when he is distressed and hungry and praises Him when he finds food and temporary solace. Pi and all of his actions, especially his integrity-based will to live, point to God. In the same way, all that we as humans do indicates a spiritual quest for survival.
    Pi, whom I referred to as the epitome of reason in my previous blog, is further revealed in this last portion of the book. As he recounts his tale to two investigators at an infirmary in Mexico, we as readers see that he is not as sound as we thought he was. He is overtaken by grief and shock, and he has every right to let his emotions pervade his words. Pi's cutting wits, however, are as sharp as ever as he presents astute arguments about the validity of his stories.
     Life of Pi is now my favorite work of fiction. The premise of the novel is astounding and extensively supported. The prose is breathtaking and certainly not repetitive, and the notion that a boy can love God despite the horrors he has seen is ultimately comforting.

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely blog response--worthy of college-level analysis! And I'm so glad you loved the book...and didn't get hurt when you wrecked with your mom! :)
