Monday, May 14, 2012

Current Event Blog Four: Obama on Gay Marriage

Summary: At an event at the Rubin Museum of Art in downtown New York City, President Barack Obama spoke publicly for the first time since he announced his support of gay marriage. Obama stated that gay marriage and the expansion of rights in general "doesn't weaken families; it strengthens families." The event, which was co-hosted by Martin, the Democratic National Committee’s LGBT Leadership Council and the Futuro Fund, a Latino get-out-the-vote organization affiliated with the Obama campaign, was also a backdrop for the President to discuss his campaign platform.  

Response: The President's stance on gay marriage is certainly one he in entitled to. Although I do not theologically condone homosexual marriage, I can agree with Obama when he says that the country has, historically, only benefited from the expansion of rights to all groups. I do find two issues with his speech at the Martin Art Museum event. Firstly, Obama says that marriage equality will strengthen families. I find this statement unfounded in context because he offers no support to his claim. As the leader of our nation, Barack Obama's words are extremely influential to the American people. His assertions must be substantiated by fact. Secondly, Obama quickly shifted the focus of the event from marriage equality to his own campaign. Although he spent more time speaking of his own policies rather than those of Republican candidate Mitt Romney, Obama does directly attack Romney as a "rubber stamp" politician who will support any Republican legislation regardless of its effectiveness. As I observe our President, I become increasingly aware that most of his appearances and endorsements seem to be rooted in political image and gain. Overall, Barack Obama's marriage equality speaking engagement was relatively harmless and largely bereft of controversy; however, his stray claims and campaign ploys make me question the sincerity and support of the President. 

Ali Weinberg, . "Obama: Gay Marriage 'doesn't weaken 
     families; it strengthens families'." MSNBC
      News, 2012. Web. 14 May 2012.

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